How to Find a Mobile App Developer?

In 2023, people worldwide downloaded over 257 billion apps. That’s an average of 32 app downloads per person. And while the number of apps a person uses daily keeps growing, small businesses, brands, corporations, and startups are searching for developers to build their own apps. This increase in demand for apps is reflected in the market for app developers. In the United States alone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 25% increase in demand for them in the next two years—a much more significant increase than in other professions.

However, as the pool of app developers grows, it has become more challenging for business owners to find a reliable developer. And if you are an entrepreneur, business owner, or project manager reckoning how to find app developers, you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will discuss the steps to find a good app developer, how to prepare, and how to avoid common pitfalls. 

What Is an App Developer?

App developers are software engineers specializing in designing, building, and maintaining mobile, desktop, or web applications. 

They use various programming languages and tools to translate ideas into functional, user-friendly applications. At the heart of their craft lies their ability to understand the concept of the business or brand they are working for and translate it into a functional tool that solves the needs of its users. 

Before Hiring an App Developer

Before you start your search for the best app developer, you need to take three critical steps. Let’s explore each in detail.   

1. Outline project scope 

The first (and most crucial) step is to define your project’s scope. In this step, you detail your app’s goals, features, and the audience pain points it will solve. 

You will have a few brainstorming sessions with your team during this time. Based on these meetings, you will create a list of the app’s must-have and nice-to-have functionalities. By doing so, you will have a clearer vision of your app, which will then help you communicate more effectively to the app developers you will hire.

Besides, having a clear overview of your app will help you keep the development process within the timeline and budget.  

2. Decide on the type of the app you need

Now that you have a clear idea of what your app will envision, you should decide on the type of app you want to build. This step will help you identify the kind of developer you need, how long the development process will last, and the overall cost of the app.

Broadly speaking, you must identify whether you need a native, web, or hybrid app. To ease your decision, consider your target audience, the user experience you wish to provide, and the app’s intended functionality. Addressing these points will allow you to make an informed decision on the type of app that best suits your needs.

3. Allocate budget for app development 

With a clear vision of what your app will be about and how it will be built, it is time to define how much money you want to invest. To tackle this, start by researching and comparing costs associated with apps and the development process you want to employ on your app (for example, native apps are more expensive than web apps).

During this process, you must be realistic about your budget and allocate a sum to unforeseen expenses. Now that you have a defined budget narrowing your search for an app developer will be easier. 

How To Find Mobile App Developers In 5 Steps?

Now that you know what you want, how you want it, and how much you are willing to pay, it is time to roll up your sleeves and find the adequate app developer to bring your idea to life. Below, we will discuss how to find the perfect match in 5 steps. 

1. Conduct research

Of course, your journey to hire the best app developer starts by researching the market. With an estimated 26.4 million developers worldwide, the pool of app developers is broad and deep. To narrow down the search, start by identifying developers with expertise in the type of app you want to create (if you want a native app, then search for developers specialized in that).

You can use online platforms such as LinkedIn, GitHub, and industry-specific forums to find professionals with the right skills. Because you already know how much you want to invest in your app, narrow the search to developers whose prices are within your range.

2. Ask for their portfolio

Once you’ve identified potential developers, your next step is to examine their skills in depth. The best start here is a portfolio of past projects. Going through the developer’s portfolio will help you understand the developer’s aesthetic style, complexity of work, and experience executing projects similar to yours.

Scanning through their past projects will give you an idea of whether your project can be part of the portfolio in the future. 

3. Ask for client testimonials 

Now that you know their skills, it is time to assess their reliability and professionalism by contacting past clients or asking for testimonials. Client testimonials are crucial as they offer first-hand insights into the developer’s working style, communication skills, and ability to deliver projects on time and within budget.

When you learn about past clients’ experiences with the developers you want to hire, making informed decisions and setting realistic expectations for this collaboration will be easier. 

4. Decide on the partnership model

Assuming that portfolio and client testimonials allowed you to decide who you want to hire, we now go to the bottom of the funnel to select a developer for your app.

If you want to stamp your collaboration, you must decide on a collaboration model. Developers and/or development agencies offer a range of collaboration models, including fixed—price contracts, time and materials contracts, full-time partners, and external consultants.

While each model has its benefits and drawbacks, you need to select a partnership model that falls within the complexity of your project and budget. 

5. Agree on the budget and project timeline beforehand 

Now, it is time to move on to the last step before you hire an app developer: setting the budget’s scope and defining the project timeline. Here, you must have a written agreement detailing all the essential details of your collaboration—the budget, collaboration model, project timeline, and milestones.

With a signed contract in hand, expectations are better managed on both sides and provide security if anything goes south. 


Finding a mobile app developer who will bring your app idea to life is not an easy task. However, you can find the perfect fit with careful planning, thorough research, and defined expectations. With the right developer by your side, your app can be the pathway to (the digital) success of your business. 


How to avoid common pitfalls when hiring an app developer?

To avoid the common pitfalls when hiring a developer, pay close attention to their communication skills, the professionalism of their portfolio, and the integrity of their client testimonials. Also, be aware of unrealistic promises for quick turnarounds and prices lower than the market rate. These red flags can indicate the developer’s expertise and professionalism are compromised. 

How much does it cost to build an app?

The cost of building an app varies depending on its complexity, platform (iOS, Android, or both), and the developer’s location and expertise. While simple apps can cost as little as $10,000, more complex projects can exceed $100,000.

Mobile App Development Trends of 2024

Since smartphones became mainstream, mobile apps have become an integral part of our modern life—we use them to track our health, read the news, shop, and connect with friends and family, just to name a few. And as we increasingly rely on mobile apps to manage our lives, brands, and businesses are eager to jump on the digitizing wagon.

However, as the demand to develop apps keeps going up, developers face the challenge of staying updated with the latest mobile development trends and meeting the ever-growing expectations of users.

If you are one of them, you came to the right place. This article will present the latest mobile development trends and how to leverage them to develop superb mobile applications. 

6 Mobile Apps Trends in 2024

The remarkable technological progress, the advancement in user interface design, and the global shift towards personalized digital experiences are transforming the mobile app landscape. Stemming from a growing necessity for developers to deliver innovative and fresh experiences, these trends signal the future direction of the mobile app development industry. We present the six mobile development app trends in 2024 to stay abreast of these latest developments. 

Integrated voice recognition and command

We all used Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa at least once to shortcut our way into interacting with technology. Now, as more and more people use them, developers are understanding the power of these AI-enabled voice operations.

The rise of voice recognition in mobile app development stems from advancements in natural language processing (NLP) models and large language models (LLM), which allow the technology to respond to human speech in a more intelligent and nuanced manner. 

The speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionalities used to perform in-app actions such as ordering food, sending messages, or making calls provide a competitive edge for mobile apps to cater to the growing demand for hands-free interaction. Beyond the convenience of app use, such features enhance the accessibility of apps for individuals with disabilities. 

Artificial intelligence 

Everyone is aware of the AI boom in the past two years, a trend that shows no signs of stopping. While so far, AI has been mainly used for chatbots, photo editors, and virtual assistant apps, in 2024, we expect a wider net of apps integrating apps. 

AI is revolutionizing the app development in several ways:

  1. It can make the mobile app development process faster and more comprehensive.
  2. AI can understand user behavior and predict future needs, as such enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
  3. AI-driven analytics provide advanced insights into app performance and user preferences, allowing developers to innovate.

However, AI’s power is just beginning, and it is expected that AI will provide app developers with many more opportunities in the future. 

AR integration

Augmented reality (AR) is another cutting-edge mobile development trend in 2024. Its rise to fame came from its unprecedented ability to provide an immersive and interactive user experience. While the technology gained traction mainly in the gaming industry, it is also used in education, retail, and healthcare today. For example, retail apps are integrating AR, allowing customers to visualize products before they buy them (think online clothes shopping with the ability to try the clothes first). 

While we are just beginning AR integration in 2024, as AR becomes even more sophisticated, we expect its integration into mobile apps to open new avenues for creativity and functionality. Thus, it will be a groundbreaking technology that will transform how we perceive and interact with the digital world. 

Internet of things 

With the global Internet of Things (IoT) market reaching $318 billion in 2023, of which $226 billion is attributed to software, including mobile apps, it’s clear that the sector is experiencing significant growth. This surge is underscored by a 58% increase from 2020, with projections suggesting that IoT technology revenue will exceed $1.6 trillion by 2025. That’s why, in 2024, the growth of mobile apps within the IoT sphere is expected to grow beyond household devices to automobiles, display devices, healthcare, and more, indicating a broad market potential.

Moreover, IoT has a significant influence in the industrial sector as it can enhance predictive maintenance, inventory management, and supply chain monitoring, thereby promoting safety and growth in the construction, mining, manufacturing, and energy industries. All in all, IoT is a technology that will take off further in 2024. 

Beacon technology 

Since its inception with iBeacon in 2013 and Eddystone in 2015, beacon technology has been at the top of the conversation in the mobile app development sphere. Data shows beacon technology experiencing exponential growth, underscoring a 48.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). By the end of 2026, the beacon technology market is projected to grow to $31.61 billion. This uptick in market value demonstrates the potential of this technology in various sectors.

Integrating beacon technology in mobile apps has many benefits, especially for service industries like hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and pharmacies—businesses heavily dependent on local clients. Beacon technology-enabled apps provide highly relevant location-based services that could positively influence the consumers’ experience. Similarly, in emergencies, these apps can prove decisive in delivering timely and effective intervention, often resulting in life-saving assistance.


The deployment of 5G, leveraging on low latency and high speed, is undoubtedly a massive step towards a better digital experience. Due to this high-speed connectivity, you should watch 5G-enabled apps that promise to change how we interact with technology. Also, the dawning of 5G will result in highly accurate location trackers since their superb coverage and connectivity create opportunities for developing precise GPS-enabled apps. 

In addition to communications, the impact of 5G technology in industries like healthcare, transportation, and entertainment will lead to new ways in which innovations in app development will enhance how we live, work, and play. 


If there is one thing to take away, the new technology is reshaping the mobile app development industry, further customizing the user experience. Developers should be aware of new developments as the industry continues to evolve to stay ahead of their competition. These trends, by themselves, are ample sources of novel ideas and approaches to enhance users’ interaction with the device and provide more personalized and efficient solutions that meet users’ needs. These technologies are promising for the mobile app industry as they present novel opportunities for technology to get more integrated into our daily lives. 


What is the future of mobile apps?

The mobile app development industry is projected to grow even further due to novel technologies such as AI, 5G, and IoT. This transformation will make apps more customized, people-centered, and vocational, gradually becoming an inherent part of life and extending the frontiers of what apps can do. 

Will AI change the way mobile apps are developed?

AI is projected to be the driving force of mobile app development by facilitating sophisticated, individualized apps that can provide personalized experiences based on users’ interactions. Integrated with predictive analytics, natural language processing, and automation, among other advanced features, AI is seen to fundamentally change the way apps are designed and managed.

How to Create a Successful Mobile Application in 2024?

In the age of the radical digital revolution, more and more businesses are investing their resources into developing mobile apps. However, with a plethora of apps flooding the market, the question lies: how to build a mobile app that will stand out from the crowd.

Although it is imperative to understand the route of programming languages, platforms, and technologies, starting an app-building enterprise requires more than that. It is a blend of art and science, mixing business knowledge, strategy thinking, and a deep understanding of the target audience’s behaviors and needs.

Whether you are a startup taking its first step or an established business expanding into the digital domain, this article outlines how to build a mobile app in 2024. In this article, we will not delve into the technical aspects of app development. Instead, we will focus on the strategic paths and significant factors necessary to turn your idea into a successful app.

7 Steps to Create a Successful Mobile App in 2024

Building a mobile app is more than just coding. The process begins with your vision for the app and then continues with the strategic tactics that turn your vision into a viable app. In what follows, we detail the seven steps to develop a successful mobile application.

1. Define your app’s purpose

After deciding to develop a successful app, the first thing to do is define its purpose in detail. Discovering the why of your app is crucial for the development process. The guide will ensure every feature, upgrade, and even marketing effort is aligned with the app’s goal. 

To dig deep into what your app is about, start by asking these questions:

  • Why are we motivated to create this mobile app?
  • What specific need or problem will it address for our users?
  • How does this align with our broader business objectives?

Remember, every successful app serves a distinct purpose. This purpose usually lies at the intersection of users’ needs and business objectives.

2. Understand your target audience

Next, it is time to be aware of your app users’ needs after you have elucidated your app’s objective. This is because the essence of your mobile app’s value lies in its ability to resonate with its target audience. In other words, your app should be there to solve users’ struggles or fulfill their needs. Without a clear understanding of how your app benefits its users, convincing them of its value becomes an uphill battle.

To stop this from happening, you should research your audience. You can do so by understanding their: 

  • demographics (age, gender, location, educational background, etc)
  • interests and hobbies
  • behavioral patterns, and 
  • needs and challenges they face.

Based on this information, you will have a clear picture of the people you are targeting.

3. Research your competitors

Before you focus on the technical aspect, you should research your competition. This will help you understand your niche’s current market landscape.

Compile a list of direct and indirect competitors to start with your competitor’s analysis. In this list, you should include any app that serves a similar purpose or targets the same audience. Go beyond the surface and try to grasp their strategy, user feedback, pricing models, marketing efforts, and unique value propositions.

Here are some of the focal points you should spend time on in your competitor’s analysis:

  • Analyze user reviews and ratings to gather insights about the needs of the audience; 
  • Analyze their app features to identify any gap areas in their offering that you can cover; 
  • Observe their marketing strategy to understand where they meet their audience and what messages resonate with their audience; 
  • Study their monetization tactics to understand the logic behind generating revenues’
  • Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis so you understand your competitive advantage compared to your audience. 

After having such information in your hands, your vision for the app will be much clearer.

4. Choose the right app development approach 

Now, it is time to get into the technical part: deciding on the app development approach you want to build your app. In general, there are three main types of app development: web apps, native apps, and hybrid apps. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to you to decide which one suits you. To make such a decision, you must balance your target audience’s preferences and resources.

For example, if your user research and competitor analysis reveal a predominance of iPhone users among your audience, then native iOS development emerges as the prime path for your project. This is because native apps can leverage the full potential of the device’s hardware, enhancing performance and user experience. On the flip side, if your findings indicate a diverse user base spread across multiple platforms, a hybrid app will be a strategic choice. 

5. Define the app’s key features and functions 

Next, you should craft a clear roadmap of critical features and functions the app must include to fulfill its intended role. This stage often involves creating a comprehensive list that encapsulates all necessary functionalities for your app to meet its objectives, serving as a foundation for developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). An MVP, by design, strips the app down to its core, essential features, and functions.

At this juncture, your primary focus should be on integrating features and functions that deliver real value. Consider a wide array of potential users to make the app universally appealing and helpful. Start with functionalities that streamline the user experience, such as simplifying the app download process with a QR code. As the app evolves, you can introduce additional features based on user input and emerging needs.

6. Invest in the app’s maintenance and security 

Unfortunately, app development doesn’t have a finish line. On the contrary, it is an ongoing work that requires regular maintenance and updates on security—a task businesses tend to oversee. It is a crucial step that allows the app to enhance its performance based on user feedback and keep up with technological advancement. It also ensures any bugs or errors are swiftly rectified. These proactive steps are essential for preserving an optimal user experience and safeguarding the app against potential security breaches.

At the same time, as cyber threats are rising, security investment is non-negotiable. Security measures are even more significant if your app handles sensitive user data. This will ensure user privacy and corporate data integrity are not compromised. Otherwise, you will face substantial losses financially and in terms of your brand reputation.

7. Prepare an ASO strategy

An ASO (app store optimization) strategy for apps is the equivalent of an SEO strategy for a website. It helps apps stand out from crowded marketplaces. Through an ASO strategy, you can increase your app’s ranking in the app store search results, boosting your app’s discovery chances. 

To develop a successful ASO strategy, you must thoroughly analyze keywords and the target audience’s search behaviors. You update your app’s title, description, and metadata based on those insights.

Moreover, ASO helps with user engagement and retention. As per your ASO strategy, you should focus on uploading quality and relevant screenshots and videos to your app page and encourage loyal users to leave reviews.


In today’s busy world, creating a successful app is about more than just a great idea. Launching a mobile application to market has become a complex and risky endeavor. From figuring out your app’s purpose and understanding your audience to investing in security and preparing an ASO strategy, each stage is a key module of the app-building process. By implementing each step with intention, you will build an app that resonates with users and stands the test of time.

8 Benefits of Native App Development

The mobile app landscape is highly competitive, making it crucial to leverage the right development approach. Exploring the benefits of native app development leads to superior performance and seamless user experiences. 

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the advantages of this approach. Let’s dive in.

What Is a Native App?

Native mobile apps are software programs intelligently designed to fully utilize critical mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android. 

Developed using the platforms’ specific programming languages and in compliance with strict requirements, these applications are seamlessly integrated with the device’s hardware and software and provide outstanding performance, high stability, and an immersive user experience.

Benefits of Native App Development

Now that you understand what a native app is, let’s consider the specific benefits of native app development.

  1. Enhanced performance

In terms of performance, one of the best features of native mobile apps is that they are very much known for their efficiency in real-time. Unlike other hybrid solutions that rely on third-party software, native apps are crafted to harness the full potential of their target platform. 

Platform-specific programming languages, such as Swift (for iOS) or Java and Kotlin ( for Android), can be utilized together with native APIs. This allows these applications to effectively work with the device’s hardware and software, hence providing a smooth and responsive experience.

The result? A lightning-fast loading time, smooth animations, and a performance that completely disorients cross-platforms, leaving them in the dust. This unparalleled strength comes as a result of the app’s straight engagement with the OS, granting it access to the device’s processing power and memory management capabilities.

  1. Seamless user experience

Native mobile app development provides an amazing user experience due to its full compliance with the design guidelines of each mobile platform. Native user interfaces and interactions align, resulting in seamless and intuitive interactions that merge well with the user’s existing mental model. 

This is expressed in the dedication to the platform’s design specifics, ensuring a polished and refined experience where every gesture feels tailored to the user’s expectations. 

In a world where superior user experiences have become the key to success, native mobile development is the best option. This approach aims to provide a deeply integrated experience that fosters familiarity and engagement.

  1. Unlimited access to device features 

Another compelling virtue of native mobile app development is its ability to address almost all device capabilities and features, such as camera, GPS, biometrics, NFC, and AR. 

This high level of integration allows application developers to build amazing experiences that go beyond the limits of hybrid or multi-platforms. In other words, native apps are deeply integrated with the devices’ core functionality, as they can offer personalized, frictionless, and powerful user experiences that feel like an organic extension of the device itself. 

Finally, the lack of cross-platform compatibility constraints allows developers to explore the depths of each platform’s toolbox and thus unlock a world of possibilities for customization.

  1. Offline functionalities  

In our constantly changing reality of fast-paced digital life, accessing online content with limited or no connection is still crucial.

Native mobile apps excel in this regard by outperforming any web-based counterpart. These applications lead to a more diverse mobile ecosystem by storing and retrieving data locally, empowering users to access a wealth of functionalities offline, such as gaming, reading, map navigation, and more.

Additionally, native apps take advantage of intelligent caching mechanisms. This makes the apps work much faster and provides astonishing responsiveness. This accessibility, combined with the fast performance, elevates the user experience to new heights, fostering engagement and loyalty.

  1. Unparalleled user engagement

In today’s digital world, attracting and keeping the consumer’s attention is a never-ending endeavor. With the recent evolution of native mobile apps that use the unique advantages of push notifications to keep users active and up-to-date, this technology has finally found its true calling. 

When you send subscribers timely reminders, tailored offers, and real-time information, their devices are ready for you. These targeted notifications create a persistent connection with the app, even when not actively used.

One of the options that native apps provide is the ability to customize notification preferences. This allows users to strike a balance between being well-informed and maintaining their privacy and safety at the highest level.

Moreover, native apps leverage intelligent caching mechanisms, dramatically reducing load times and providing unparalleled responsiveness. 

  1. Robust security

With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, strong data security is now essential for any digital solution to succeed. Native mobile apps offer excellent protection by utilizing the inherent safety measures in their operating systems and being exceptionally watchful when it comes to safeguarding user data.

By utilizing top-of-the-line encryption, authentication protocols, and thoroughly vetted native APIs, these apps create an impenetrable defense against illicit entry and data breaches.

With the assurance of solid security being a crucial aspect in modern consumer trust dynamics, mobile applications created natively instill unwavering confidence by providing unparalleled safeguarding for highly confidential information.

  1. Reduced risk of bugs and compatibility issues

Constructing solid and dependable software is a perpetual pursuit, and native mobile app development offers a distinct advantage in this domain. 

By using platform-specific SDKs, which are created and rigorously tested by giant app development companies like Apple and Google, native apps are less likely to allow bugs and compatibility issues that would arise with the use of cross-platform and hybrid solutions.

Unlike third-party frameworks, which can cause inconsistencies, native SDKs are carefully coded to suit the host operating system’s requirements. This reduces the attack surface for potential bugs and provides a smooth user experience.

  1. Elevated Visibility through App Store Optimization

Success in the digital marketplace hinges on discoverability. The good news is that both native and hybrid apps can utilize app store optimization (ASO) to increase their visibility, appeal to their intended audience, and capture attention.

Developers can enhance the likelihood of being featured in relevant search results and captivating potential users by attentively crafting app titles, descriptions, keywords, and visuals. 

Furthermore, optimizing icon design strategies, localized app listings, and proactively requesting positive user reviews strengthen an application’s discoverability, cultivating natural growth that leads to long-term triumphs.

Although progressive web apps (PWAs) don’t receive advantages from app store distribution, native and hybrid applications can utilize these influential platforms to enhance their scope and interact with a worldwide audience.

Final Thoughts

Native app development remains the apex of performance, user experience, and scalability in today’s dynamic mobile technology world. Leveraging platform-specific technologies and industry-leading practices yields apps that are foundations for innovation in the future; these integrate seamlessly with reliable security features and unbeatable capabilities to captivate their audiences. 

Though cost-intensive upfront, native development engenders unmatched dividends, empowering businesses with digital experiences that resonate with users—a must-have for sustained success within this fiercely competitive space.

What Is Native App Development?: A Guide

What Is Native App Development? A Guide

In the hyper-digital world we live in today, apps are the tools that dominate every aspect of our lives. For the developers who work on them, the decision on how to approach the app development can make or break the app’s success. In this guide, we will question what is native app development and understand its benefits, challenges, and strategic advantages.

Understanding What Is Native Development 

With an array of options available, from web to hybrid applications, finding the path that leads to an optimal blend of performance, user engagement, and platform integration can be daunting.

Besides, the pressing demand for apps to enhance user interaction by performing seamlessly across different devices and leveraging the full potential of the device’s hardware makes the choice even harder.

However, in recent years, native app development has entered the scene of app development, promising to address these issues by offering applications tailor-made for specific platforms. 

What Are Native Apps?

Native apps are software applications created for specific mobile operating systems. These include Android for Samsung, Google, and other brands and iOS for Apple devices. 

Using the languages and tools designed for those platforms — Java and Kotlin for Android and Swift and Swift UI for iOS — these apps excel in performance and user experience. This comes mainly from their opportunity to access hardware and software features directly.

On top of that, native apps can work offline, while web apps need internet access to provide their functionalities. This way, users can access the app’s features and content even when disconnected from the internet. 

Another characteristic of native apps is integrating the push notification system from the operating system. By doing so, businesses can reach out directly to the users, driving up user engagement and retention. 

Due to these enhanced features, native applications have slowly become popular among developers striving to assemble intuitive, high-quality mobile applications.

Native Apps vs. Web Apps

One of the main differences between native apps and web apps is how they access the device’s hardware and software. While native apps get installed directly into the mobile device, the web apps need a web browser to access them. Due to this, web apps tend to be slower and need more access to device capabilities.

However, web apps are famous among developers due to their universal accessibility. As long as you have a web browser on your device, you can access the web app. This universal access also makes maintenance easy since there is one codebase for all platforms, making maintenance hassle-free. 

The major drawback of web apps is their dependency on a stable internet connection. On top of this, web apps lag behind native apps in performance as their speed is tight to the speed of the internet connection of the person accessing the app. 

Native Apps vs. Hybrid Apps

Native apps are like custom-tailored suits, explicitly designed for a device’s operating system to ensure they fit perfectly, offering fast performance and full access to the phone’s features.

On the other hand, hybrid apps are like off-the-rack suits; they aim to fit many different devices simultaneously, combining web technologies wrapped in a native container. While convenient, hybrids can’t quite match the perfect fit or performance of a native app.

As the name suggests, hybrid apps blend web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with native app elements. Such integration allows these apps to run on multiple platforms with a single codebase. This makes them quicker and less costly to develop compared to native apps. 

Hybrid apps can access some device features through plugins, balance performance and flexibility, and are easier to update. Many changes can be deployed directly from the web without updating the app through a store. However, they may not provide as smooth of a user experience or as full access to device capabilities as native apps do.

4 Benefits of Native App Development 

Like crafting a masterpiece, native app development offers benefits that significantly elevate the mobile experience. These advantages range from superior performance to unparalleled access to device capabilities, a more intuitive user interface, and robust security features. These elements are critical in why developers and companies invest in native applications.

Let’s dive deeper into how these benefits manifest and impact the app development process.

1. Performance Advantages

Some developers consider native apps as the sports cars of the app world — built for speed and precision. All jokes aside, native apps are indeed optimized for speed as developers make them using the platform’s native programming language. 

This design-for-the-platform approach harnesses the device processor’s full power, resulting in a smooth, responsive user experience without waiting between loading times.

For developers, this means creating highly responsive applications that can easily handle complex operations and graphics-intensive tasks. As a result, this sets the bar high in terms of user expectations.

2. Access to Full Device Functionality and APIs

The nature of how native apps are developed allows them to fully access the device’s hardware and software features. Unlike hybrid apps, when developing native apps, it feels like you have a master key for all the cool gadgets your phone boasts. From cameras and microphones to GPS and accelerometers, there isn’t a feature of the device you can’t access. 

For the creative minds programming these apps, the opportunities this full access to devices features go beyond coding. It is about creating an experience that allows the users to engage with the app more personally and intuitively.

3. Enhanced User Experience and Interface

In our digital-driven world, just as when we interact in our offline world, the first impression of opening the app plays an important role. It’s all about the vibe they give off – do they feel right at home on your phone, or do they stick out like a sore thumb? 

Native apps get this. They’re like the perfect guests, fitting in smoothly because they follow the house rules of your device’s operating system. From how they look to how you swipe, tap, or scroll, native apps make the navigational patterns, gestures, and animations consistent with other native apps. This makes the app incredibly intuitive to use. 

For the folks behind the scenes, such access allows them to create apps that users can easily use, directly contributing to higher user satisfaction and retention. 

4. Security Features

In a world being swept by digitalization, the security of the information we share online is more important than ever — especially for apps that require people to add their personal information. 

Again, native apps have an edge compared to web or hybrid apps due to their ability to take full advantage of the platform’s security features. From encrypted data storage to secure data transmission and integrated authentication mechanisms, native apps run in a resilient framework that protects user data.

For the tech wizards creating these apps, native apps provide a tight safety net that users trust with their data. This way, they can build apps that people are not afraid to use and share information with. 

Challenges in Native App Development 

While native app development has its fair share of advantages, it also comes with some challenges developers face while programming them.

Understanding these challenges is crucial for any team embarking on native app development, as they can directly impact the project’s timeline, budget, and overall management.

Let’s delve into more detail on the main obstacles of native apps.  

Development Cost

Developing a native app is like planning a custom-built home for iOS and Android lands. You need architects who speak the local dialects fluently — Swift for Apple and Kotlin or Java for Android. Such expertise usually doesn’t come cheap.

Besides, just like custom homes, crafting apps that feel right at home on each platform involves a lot of tailored work — from unique designs to specialized functionalities. This means more work hours clocked in for development and testing, which translates to a higher bill. 

For the smaller players in the game, like startups, these added costs can build a steep financial mountain. Ultimately, this requires a mix of strategic foresight and carefully planned budgets. 

Time-consuming Process

Developing native apps is a marathon, not a sprint. The need to create separate apps for iOS and Android platforms doubles the effort, as each app must be designed, coded, and tested within its unique ecosystem. 

This duplication of work extends the development timeline significantly, especially when striving for feature parity across platforms.

Updates and maintenance add another layer of time commitment. Each platform’s app requires individual attention whenever changes are made. Such prolonged timelines can delay market entry, miss timely opportunities, or allow competitors to gain ground. 

Need for Multiple Codebases

Picture this: you have a restaurant with two separate kitchens; one serves French cuisine, and the other specializes in authentic Japanese dishes. Building native apps is pretty much like this. You must master cooking (read: developing) for iOS and Android. 

This means that you need to master two very different recipes, each with its own set of ingredients and techniques. The tricky thing is that you are not cooking two meals. Instead, you are running two culinary worlds, each with its rhythm, culture, and language.

The duplication of effort increases the risk of inconsistencies and bugs, as changes made in one app must be mirrored in the other. Of course, this is a time-consuming process and prone to human error. This approach demands a diverse skill set from the development team, as they need to be proficient in the languages and tools of both ecosystems.

The Future of Native App Development 

As technology progresses, the future of native app development has never been more promising. Thanks to emerging trends and leaps in mobile hardware, we expect that native apps will be fully integrated into our daily lives.

For one, augmented reality (AR) can turn smartphones into a magic window that seamlessly blends digital and physical worlds. Another game changer is Artificial intelligence (AI), which helps make apps more intelligent and more personalized as we interact with them. 

Then, there’s the evolution of mobile devices with more powerful processors and sensors. These open new possibilities for developers to create even more immersive and interactive experiences. Thanks to the hardware progress, native apps will harness even greater power, offering functionalities that were once the stuff of science fiction. 


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, native app development stands as a cornerstone, blending unmatched performance with a user-centric approach. As we’ve explored, what is native app development goes beyond its technical interface. Its significance is undeniably rooted in delivering seamless, intuitive experiences tailored to the very fabric of our devices.

Beyond just developing apps, native apps provide an opportunity to craft future-ready digital experiences that resonate deeply with users today and tomorrow.


What is the difference between native and hybrid app development?

Native apps are developed using the platform’s specific language and tools, while hybrid apps are created using a single codebase for all platforms.

How long does it take to develop a native app?

The development time for a native app can vary widely, typically ranging from a few months to over a year, depending on the app’s complexity and features.

Can I convert my web app into a native app?

Yes, you can convert a web app into a native app, but it requires rebuilding it using the native programming languages of the desired platforms.

New Year’s Resolutions for Developers

2019 is almost over and hopefully it has been a great year for each and every one of you. Whether it has or it hasn’t, 2020 should be a year where you create your own opportunities, sit back and reflect upon your daily work. Here is a list we have made for developers’ New Year’s resolution.

Clean our code: 

In 2020, our code will be clean and proud.

What’s the point of being fast today if it slows us down tomorrow? For this New Year, we are committed to respecting these 10 developer’s commandments: 

  • Avoid code complexity as much as possible
  • Don’t wait 6 months to fix low priority bugs
  • Always try to reduce the technical debt
  • Regularly check monitoring and alerting thresholds
  • Comment our code more wisely
  • Create smart functions instead of duplicating code
  • Communicate with each other to avoid mistakes
  • Accept the fact that we’re just humans and ask for code reviews from peers
  • Create and update more documentation

Learn something new:

In 2020, each and every one of us will explore a new language, a new framework or a new methodology.

We truly believe in continuous learning. We may not need this technology today, but what about tomorrow? It’s all about thinking out of the box and being curious. Here are a few good practices that we’d like to establish in 2020:

Read and watch more about tech: Internet is an amazing source of knowledge, but it needs to be tamed. There are too many things published each day, it’s impossible to read them all, but the more you watch and read, the more creative and inspired you are at work.

Participate in hackathons: Look out for hackathons near you they are great for learning loads of things and building your network as a developer.

Start working on your idea: We all have a dream project in our mind but we somehow end up doing something else or procrastinating. Break all those barriers just do what you want to do and start your dream project. The worst that can happen is that it will not work out, but at least you will know what does not work out and thus focus on things that can really work.

Share our experience

In 2020, we’ll share our expertise to benefit the community.

Write more articles: We encourage every single developer to write an article about his/her work. In 2020, we will focus in following the good practice of publishing blog posts on any site or medium that we can, including our own website.

Speak and participate at more public events: It’s never easy to jump ahead and speak in public. However, this practice will help you share your knowledge and experience which as a return will help or inspire someone else. Additionally, it will help you build more trust and confidence about yourself and your abilities.

Take care of ourselves:

In 2020, we’ll take time to respect our inner rhythms and needs.

Adopt better postures: While we get lost in our work, it is important to remember to take care of ourselves. In 2020, we’ll take better care of our spines: poor postures contribute to increasing back and shoulder pain. Some of us already started the trend of using monitor stands, footrests, ergonomic chairs and computer mice.

Take a break sometimes: It’s recommended to take a 5min break every hour. One of our ideas for 2020 is to create a clock program that will remind us to leave our screens when needed. Our team is also starting to explore the various techniques to improve productivity.

Happy New Year from TENTON!

‘Tech for Autism’ event by TENTON and Zombie Soup

As a software development company, Tenton is always focused in finding the optimal solutions for our clients through meeting their specific requirements while introducing innovative ideas in the process. Simultaneously, we are constantly seeking ways how we can meet innovation and technology with societal needs through the various events and activities.

The week we left behind Tenton together with Zombie Soup decided to embark the journey of helping kids under the autism spectrum by inviting tech companies in Kosovo to come together and support this initiative in various forms through donation and participation. We decided to organize a football tournament ‘Tech for Autsim’ – a cheerful event that brought joy and a friendly competitive spirit between the participating teams. The tournament was supported by 24 tech companies, which added a great value to the initiative. These companies, without which we would not be able to make this event come to life, were: Zombie Soup, Sunny Hill Tech, Telegrafi, Vianova, Gjirafa, Kutia, Frakton, Imbus, Fitonomy, Starlabs, Kartela, Autoshkolla, Codatech, Webtiser, Kode Labs, 3CIS, Inspire11, Competence Center and Strategic Initiatives, Formon, Trigonom, Jusa Print, Deinde and Nerdy Creative. Our goal was to help kids with autism through creating an event that brings together our technology community and puts forward an enjoyable and memorable experience.

The tournament was held on Saturday, November 2nd, from 09:00 until 16:00 where 27 games were played by the 16 participating teams. The past Saturday is therefore an embodiment of how our tech companies do not only excel in the technological setting through the technology they develop, but they also excel in helping our society. Each of the teams had their soul in the game thus giving the tournament the most joyous spirit. We can wholeheartedly say that all the teams were great and we thank each of them for giving out their best. Furthermore, we must recognize and give credits to the Sunny Hill Tech team who won the first place. We shall also acknowledge the efforts that Tenton team put in all the games especially during the finals.

But of course, this was not about who was going to get the first place, instead the focus was on gathering these tech companies for a humanitarian cause and also cherishing an enjoyable experience. As a result, we managed to collect a total of 6,360.00€ which we donated to the “Autism” association on Monday, November 4th. The association together with all the kids expressed their thanks in the most heartwarming way for all of the teams who contributed to this cause.

As Tenton, we also want to leave a big thank you note as heartwarming as the associations’, to all of the teams who joined and played football with us, all of the companies that donated and to all of the people who showed up on Saturday and cheered for the teams. You have made this experience an unforgettable one for us. Thank you!

Greetings from Cologne!

As the Internet becomes entwined with everything we do, the importance of digital marketing is becoming crystal clear. Being part of such a dynamic world, full or trends and ideas, it is critical we keep up with the digital development pace by continuously coming up with new ideas and generating new ways of delivering the best outcomes. As key players that drive constant positive change in our societies, we are categorized by our continuous endeavors, activities and events that help us grow, develop and share. One of the many undertakings is the DMEXCO 2019 – the biggest digital fair held in Cologne, Germany.

DMEXCO is the meeting place for key players in digital business, marketing and innovation. It is a community that brings together industry leaders, marketing and media professionals, and tech pioneers to set the digital agenda. Both globally informed and locally focused, DMEXCO offers an ecosystem with seminars, debates, and expositions outlining the future of the digital economy and driving market value. Bringing together 41,000 visitors, about 1,000 exhibitors, and more than 550 speakers from around the world for a one-of-a-kind event each year in Cologne, DMEXCO has set the standard as the place for business minds to learn and inspire, build connections, and for ideas to become actions.. Being part of such a digital marketing fair with an international impact and reach, was exciting and beyond inspiring. Having been able to present Tenton to the eyes of the world’s key business minds and share the stage with more than 40,000 forward-looking brand innovators and professionals worldwide, including Google, Microsoft, Slack, Paypal, YouTube, and many others has been a wonderful shaping adventure. It was an honor for our company to attend Europe’s most important event for the digital economy, where the industry is not only discussing the latest trends in technology and marketing, but also the digital economy’s responsibility and the required foundation of trust between companies and users while simultaneously drawing the roadmap for the future of digital marketing.


Autoshkolla is an informative and educative platform that comes in two different forms – mobile application and website. The main ideas revolve around facilitation and digitalization of theoretical testing and learning process for the driving license procedures. Such app and web bring about new and innovative forms of learning for the driving license through introducing new approaches and means of e-learning.

As emphatic advocates of startups and businesses that bring about positive social change in our society through all forms, we are proud of having built a platform like Autoshkolla, an interactive online learning app/website designed and developed to break through and challenge the current existing system of learning and preparing for a driving license testing process. 

Recognizing how digital transformation has become one of the most powerful drivers of opportunity and change, there is so much space that can be created and used to drive social change effectively. Considering that digital learning increases individuals’ efficiency and productivity, Autoshkolla is a great opportunity to learn since the application and website provide knowledge for free and thus help thousands of people go through this process in an easier and more productive way. Various e-learning tools and technology stimulate the mind and strengthen critical thinking skills, the basis for the development of analytic reasoning and the basis of our goal as company with regards to such platform. Our current issues in Kosovo related to the bountiful accidents, ‘driving anomalies’ etc. require measures that provide educative platforms and raise awareness in such aspect, and Autoshkolla is one step closer in doing so. Moreover, the application, as well as the website have six different categories, where each category is interactive and informative in its own form. While each category offers numerous ways of learning, all six work together and make the app very enjoyable. The first feature provides more than 80 driving license tests, where you can learn through testing yourself, your limits and the knowledge you have gained. The second feature provides a wide literature regarding driving license through different options that offer notions and concepts, and information on all traffic signs, behavior, rules, etc. The third and fourth features reveal the driving license procedure as well as provide illustrative forms of information through the videos. The gamification idea is also incorporated in the application and website, making it more interactive and engaging. One can access the app anywhere at any time and that is one of the main characteristics that differentiates the app from other learning methods and processes.


Having seen the continued growth of ecommerce to the rise of experiential retail, the past few years have become a reflection of changes and overall transformative potential of the retail industry. As retail trends continue to evolve in 2019, so do customer loyalty trends and programs. Retailers have therefore continuously shaped their loyalty programs to meet evolving customer expectations. This has, as a result, induced a customer wallet full of loyalty cards. While, improving loyalty programs through providing beneficial customer features is a target for most of the retailers, having many rewards cards in the wallet, as rewarding as they may be, is aggravating for many reasons.

Therefore, we introduce “Kartela” a mobile application that has numerous features and options that facilitate customer buying process and behavior. Kartela comes as a digital form of loyalty cards and programs, printed brochures, and store offers and sales. It also allows you to find the origin of the products you want to purchase as a customer by showing where the product comes from and where it is made. Kartela’s newest feature is the digitization of any type of offer generated by stores, shops or individuals through online forms. Through Kartela, any individual can have access to brochures, new offers and sales announcements without the need to search for them or go to the stores to get them.

The marketing analysis Tenton conducted brings to fore the need for an app like Kartela. Through three main pillars of the analysis, Tenton initially identified the need for digitization of loyalty cards, secondly the need for online brochures and various offers and thirdly the need to know the origin of the product. The smartest way to do it was, of course, through an app that allows customers to access their loyalty cards whenever they want with minimum effort. Not only did this facilitate the buyer, but it also benefited the loyalty card providers through furnishing them with precise data on customer behavior regarding loyalty programs. The fact that Kartela allows users to store all their loyalty cards easily in their smartphones rather than in their wallets, is beneficial in both ways: client wise and business wise.

The app is provided for free for both android and iOS users. You create an account and scan all the loyalty cards that you want to be in your phone, where they are stored and can be usedt anytime by just scanning the barcode from the digitized card. You can also check the origin of the product by just scanning the barcode of the product and it immediately tells you where it came from. Additionally, the online brochures and offers are listed in a catalog-like form where you can scroll and search whatever store, brochure or offer that you are interested in.

The application’s goal is to help towards transforming business and organizational activities, processes, competencies and models to fully leverage changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their accelerating impact across Kosovan society in a strategic and prioritized way.