Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages

Nowadays, everything that surrounds us is about the great inventions that happen almost every day. 

The computer is known as the most significant invention, and scientists have gained it as their most preferred toy, and they are playing it very reasonably. 

As the most sophisticated invention, the computer only understands instructions that are written in a specific syntactic form that is called a programming language.

 Just imagine how many pieces of hardware and software are there that need to communicate with each other. It takes time and dedication for a programmer to “speak and understand” programming languages. 

The creation of programming languages was a revolutionary step that took the field, the way we connected to the world, to a whole another level. 

The difference between other languages and programming languages in terms of the use of keywords is limited. Only when a developer combines these keywords can he/she create different types of programs.

A developer can make the computer draw complex shapes and excellent computer graphics along with programming and coding. By coding and programming, a developer can create and send content worldwide, matching the client’s preferences to their website by meeting their style.

Not to mention that with code and programming, a developer can create intelligent home applications and way too much art that can be covered with computer engineering and computer science.

What are the top 10 demanded programming languages? 

1. Python

Python (pronounced ˈpīˌTHän), was created by Guido Van Rossum. This programming language’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.

Python is known as a high-level and general-purpose programming language. It helps programmers to write clear, logical code for both small and large-scale projects.

As a programming language, Python is described as a “batteries included” language due to its comprehensive standard library.

2. SQL 

SQL (pronounced “ess – que – el”) stands for Structured Query Language. This language is used to communicate with a database.  

How does it function? SQL updates data on a database or recoup data from a database. 

The top database management systems that use SQL are Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres, etc.

Everything that someone needs to do with a database, the SQL language has the standard commands required to be used, such as Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, and Drop.

3. Java

JAVA (pronounced “jäʹ-və”) is a cross-platform programming language. Sun Microsystems developed it (a leading company in computers used as Web servers, usually called Sun.) 

Java is known as a high-level programming language for creating web applications. 

Java programs are multiplatform, which means that they can run on different platforms, and it is known as an object-oriented programming language.


HTML (pronounced “aitch-tee-em-ell”) stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a language that is used to create web pages. Sparing its name in two “Hypertext” refers to the hyperlinks that an HTML page may contain. And the “Markup Language” refers to the way tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page.

5. XML

XML (pronounced “ˌeks em ˈel”) stands for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a system that is used for marking the structure of text on a computer. The simplest example is when creating website pages while using XML, we can develop formats and electronically share structured data through the public internet.

6. C

C (pronounced “si”) stands for Combined Programming Language. Regarding the earlier version of UNIX that Ken Thompson wrote was in a language called B. It was, in turn, a simplified version of a language called BCPL – Basic Combined Programming Language.

After Dennis Ritchie joined the team, he developed a better language than B, which will be used as a successor of B, and they named it C. 

C is a high-level programming language for developing firmware or portable applications. 

7. C++

C++ (pronounced “siːˌplʌsˈplʌs”) C++ stands, or it means Increment C by 1. As C++ originally was called C with classes, we understand that it was built as an extension of the C language. 

C++ is another high-level programming language for graphical applications. 

The control C++ gives the user over system resources, enabling a skilled coder to write a quick and way more powerful program than a similar program written in another programming language.

8. C#

C# (pronounced see sharp) was designed to work with Microsoft’s .Net platform. It is an object-oriented programming language that focuses on combining the computing power of C++ with the programming ease of Visual Basic. 

Keeping in mind that programmers can build an existing code rather than duplicating it, the C# Language is expected to make it faster and less expensive to get new products and services to the market.

9. JavaScript

JavaScript (pronounced “ˈjävəskript”) was developed by Netscape to add dynamics and interactive elements to websites. 

JavaScript is a programming language used in web development, a client-side scripting language that can produce an error message before any information is transmitted to the server. The functions of JavaScript can run after a web page has been loaded without communicating with the server. 

10. PHP

Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP (pronounced pi-eitch-pi). It initially stands for Personal Home Page; after some time, it changed to Hypertext Pre-processor.

PHP is known as a general-purpose scripting language suitable for web development. It is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications.  

PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed. The client computers accessing the PHP scripts only require a web browser.

Being a developer must be the most reliable connection between the task and the executer. It requires a lot of concentration, a lot of effort, and a lot of your time. 

Time is money, so start creating yourself a profession that gives you back your time. Being a developer is one of those job positions that gives you back your time and money.

Top Mobile Application Development Trends in 2021

If you are running a business, you should know that being part of the internet makes your business grow faster and more robust. 

The pandemic almost ruined everything for many businesses but made it a matter of survival for companies to go offline to online. 

Not only did the internet offer this way of survival, but it also created opportunities for startups to enter e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and many other industries merely by developing a mobile application.

During 2020-2021 trends were popping out, and it was and still is continuing to be hard to follow them, and why not become a new trend. Developing an Android or iPhone mobile application is a basic task for developers, but creating it through the latest mobile app trends and becoming a new trend could be tedious. 

Mobile app technology trends reveal app users’ expectations and technologies in demand in the industry in the upcoming time. So this is the part where developers brainstorm and try to create an app that is prepared to demand in the sector; chances for this app to succeed are higher. 

Nowadays, you should keep in mind that an effective mobile strategy involves more than just a mobile-friendly website. To be in the first line of trends, you must know what helps you be in that line. Below you can find some trends which will determine the future of mobile app development. 


In the last decade, we have noticed massive popularity in wearable technology, including smartwatches, activity trackers, and smart clothing. 

Wearable devices have become a trend since both customers and companies are wearing various devices for various applications. Wearable technologies allow us to monitor our fitness levels, track our GPS location, and view text messages. 

These devices are hands-free and portable, eliminating the need to take our devices out of our pockets, bags, and purses. 

Wearable devices are connected to our smart devices, transmitting the information to them and allowing us to view it. 

From nonexistent to being everywhere, wearable devices are among the top trends and innovative types of technology. 


M-commerce is one of the significant influencers that accelerate business growth. Mobile commerce brings a simple, accessible, and user-friendly shopping experience to the customers. 

Mobile commerce can also be used as a method to enhance overall revenue and increase the customer base. 

The studies show that consumers surf the internet via their phones more than they do with their computers. The mobile is a pocket-friendly device that is available 24/7 for any individual. 


Today, most mobile phones have location sensor capabilities that use multiple positioning methods to provide different location data granularities. 

Motion sensing apps are used and very much needed in security, anti-theft, power-saving, and games. Motion-sensing is exceptionally used by fitness applications, which help capture an individual-jumping, running, or walking activities. Having this motion can also determine your heart rate.

And location sensing is helpful in Geotagging, Games, Vehicle navigation, and fitness apps.


Mobile app designers create solutions to meet mobile users’ requirements and restrictions. A business app to remain popular needs to display data and content on its mobile user interface for a sound user experience. 

An innovative mobile user experience design should give users what they want and need – fast results with minimal effort. 

Designers nowadays are creating apps that can accommodate mobile challenges, such as partial user attention and interruption.

Apps should exploit technologies with novel features such as interactive content layers, circular design patterns, cards, and content manipulation. 


Application Performance Management is a monitoring software suite comprising digital experience monitoring, application discovery, tracing and diagnostics, and purpose-built artificial intelligence for IT operations.

It provides visibility into app behavior to determine which app features are being successfully exploited.

With the application landscape and enterprise infrastructures shifting to the cloud, APM tools face increased challenges to provide genuine performance benefit across systems with virtual parameters. Modern enterprises require robust mechanisms to monitor resources used by applications, correlate that data with meaningful user insights, and align performance with business processes.

Mobile applications using the latest technology and trends have become an integral element of the digital ecosystem. 

It requires a lot of effort, work, and enthusiasm to create and maintain a business application that wants to be on top of trends for a long time. All businesses should keep close attention to these trends and many more others that help design a great mobile application.

Vizita e kryetarit të Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje në Tenton

     Gjatës ditës së djeshme në Tenton përveç punës dhe aktiviteteve rutinore, patëm edhe një takim ku patëm rastin të prezantonim punën tonë.
Patëm një vizitë të këndshmë nga kryetari i lëvizjes Vetëvendsoje Albin Kurtin, së bashku me delegacionin e tij.
Me vizitën e kryetarit të lëvizjes Albin Kurti zhvilluam një bisedë rreth digjitalizimit të bizneseve dhe zhvillimin e sektorit të IT-së në Kosovë.

Gjatë takimit si rrjedhojë e bisedës patëm kohë të diskutojmë edhe për mbështetjen që qeverisja e re do t’i ofrojë ndërrmarrësit e rinjë në fushën e teknologjisë. Mbështetje kjo që është mëse e nevojshme për të gjitha bizneset, sidomos në fushën e teknologjisë.

Me pak mbështetje dhe me pune konstante mund të forcojmë komunitetin e teknologjisë dukshëm, gjithmonë duke hapur rrugë për bashkepunime të reja mes organeve shtetërore, institucioneve, dhe ndërmarrjeve të reja që kontribuojnë në digjitalizimin e proceseve të ndryshme në shoqërinë tonë.

Takime dhe diskutime të tilla na inkurajojnë të vazhdojmë me punën ashtu si ne dijmë më së miri.
Vizioni ynë shkon shpeshherë përtej pritshmërive tona dhe atëherë puna dhe mundi ynë shpërblehet kur ofrojmë zgjidhje në anën teknologjike tek përdoruesit.

Ne gjithmonë do të punojmë me përkushtim të plotë për të zgjidhur probleme nga më të ndryshme përmes digjitalizimit dhe të kontribuojmë në një zhvillim të mëtutjeshëm në këtë fushë, së bashku.

Ekipi i Tentonit mirëpret të gjithë ata që duan të diskutojnë më tepër për punën dhe veprimtarinë e kompanisë sonë.

A journey through Tenton’s projects

Tenton develops websites through web design, web content, web engineering, e-commerce, etc. This journey will soon be bigger, full of innovative projects that always come from the heart of our team.

We make sure that the very best ideas are being developed and delivered to the users to make their life entertaining and comfortable. 

Operating with many projects worldwide, Tenton has managed to spare some time and effort to create great applications that are being used in Kosovo with great success. 

Let’s have a little journey to see how these applications have changed people’s lives.


One of the top things in people’s “to-do list” in life is having a Driving License. Thousands of people are now drivers, thanks to the Autoshkolla application. 

How is that?

The Autoshkolla RKS enables you to prepare for the theoretical part of obtaining a Driver’s License through question-marking tests and alternatives, as well as traffic signs and rules in a straightforward and fast way.

That’s not all of it; the Autoshkolla app has three learning categories: tests, questions, and the literature. Another category, Play and Learn, keep candidates focused as much as entertained.

Candidates that use the Autoshkolla app always end up having 100% success on the Final Test.

The Autoshkolla app is easy to use, and people find it very practical to learn from the application, as it is more like a digitalization-book.


Markets and Supermarkets are the ones that keep all the good things for us when we are home and chilling, right? All the food, the snacks, hygiene products, everything! 

Time by time, they spoil us with different offers, sales, new products, etc. But people were never fans of flayers at their door and their cars. Also, all the loyalty cards were taking a lot of space in our wallets. People needed a better solution.

Tenton created the Kartela app that can play both roles, the flayers and the loyalty cards. 

There is no need to throw out paper, flayers, being overwhelmed with different cards, and sometimes not knowing their functionality.

Using the Kartela app emptied the wallet of redundant cards and replaced them by storing them in a single application.

Also, the Kartela app detects the origin of products from the barcode; this way, you are notified of the country of its origin.


A platform that connects the seller and the buyer in a fast and straightforward way. Marketi helps sellers sell their products and use the chat feature to share details with buyers. 

If you are interested in any product, you can go to Marketi and search for the products that are for sale. You can also post the product you want to sell.

The application feature is the communication platform between buyers and sellers; they can exchange messages and make deal-purchase deals. Fast, easy, buyers find the products they need as retailers can develop their online businesses within the app.


Kosovo is growing in small steps, but as long as it has the youth to work for its future, it will be growing big.

For so many years, Kosovo did not have its own International Calling Code, so the people of Kosovo used other countries’ prefixes to deliver and receive calls such as +377, +386, and +381.

Switching to our code was a great thing to happen, but it was supposed to be switched manually for each number, and this was a massive challenge for everyone.

Tenton developed an application that could switch the prefix to +383 automatically. 

The prefix application helped people convert numbers all at once; no matter if their contact list would have 100 or 1000 people in it, the application would convert numbers. 

This saved people a few hours from switching the prefix code to a few minutes. 

Now you can see Kosovo in the International Countries’ list, with its own International Calling Code.


The most common conversation between friends is about crushes and dates. 

Some people are too picky when it comes to going out for a date, some others are too shy to ask, and others are just lucky. 


No, others use the Crush app developed by Tenton as the first dating app in Kosovo. 

We wanted to bring another way of having fun and creating adventures for people that want to try new things, challenge themselves, and have fun. 

Using the Crush app, you can create new connections with new people by creating a profile and looking for the perfect match. 

Go out on dates, plan a perfect day using the Crush app, to plan the perfect love story for the future.

We will have another journey soon, with greater innovative ideas and creations. 

These projects are a reflection of our passion for code and software development. We are continually working to bring people solutions for the largest to the tiniest problem they have, with good creations and hard work!

2020, The Year in Review

Looking back at this year, we can all agree that 2020 has been a rough year. A lot of people lost pieces of themselves in ways one could not imagine. All of us worked hard to get through this year and reach all the goals we had. 

It was hard, it was a huge challenge, but at the same time, it taught us a different way of living, socialising, and working. 

The Tech sector is continuously changing because of the behaviors and demands of consumers. This change was in a massive spotlight during this pandemic, which has seriously affected how customers and businesses experience and interact with the world. 

Even though this coronavirus pandemic has been a formidable challenge for each department, the tech sector made some trends that might be around for a long time. Some might have a long term staying power, and others might be only temporary. 

Some emerging tech trends with growth potential during the pandemic world 

Security education 

Being available online almost all day brought awareness of the security risks of doing everything online during this pandemic situation. People have been exposed more than ever to the online world in 2020. That is why people needed to know more about the consequences of putting their data online, so security risk awareness was raised. 

Learning how criminals operate and why managing credentials properly is critical to preventing fraud. This was great; people learning about risks over the internet was such a need, and hopefully, this awareness continues. 

Buying online; e-commerce

E-commerce will continue in the coming years to perform at its best. This pandemic created a new baseline in the ways consumers search for, meet their needs, and buy online. 

Working remotely

Working remotely will continue for a long time after the pandemic ends. There are many advantages to having a remote workforce from hiring, not to mention a business continuity standpoint are extraordinary. 

Video Conferencing

Zoom is one of the video software that was having the best results during 2020. Zoom meetings hosted many events, and we firmly believe this will continue for a long time. Even after the pandemic is over, Zoom meetings will be present on our schedules. 

Expanded use of Virtual Reality

VR has increased its performance in this war with Coronavirus. VR headsets let you explore destinations and partake in online entertainment. Not only entertainments, but businesses also are using VR to hold conferences and train employees. VR will continue to be part of our lives. 

What will 2021 be like in Tenton? 

Tenton wants to be one of the best teams in town, and only hard work can make us be the best.  We are in a continuous learning loop, getting more professionals, only to deliver to our customers the best of our work. 
We all know how a tough year looks like, and we are ready to welcome a new one. Together we are a perfect team, delivering great things to people who trust us. 

Prioritise your website speed with Mobile-First development

What is mobile-first development?

Mobile-first development is a design philosophy that creates excellent user experience by starting the design process from the smallest screens such as mobiles. Designing and prototyping your websites for mobile devices assures that your users’ experience is seamless on any device. 

If you didn’t know, when mobile-first designer prototypes or sketches out a website layout, they start by sketching out how it would look on a mobile screen, then move onto more giant screens.

Why is it important?

Mobile-first development is significant when it comes to a matter of numbers. 

Only in 2020, there are more than 3.5 billion mobile users, meaning that most people are using their phones to find the content they need. 

Therefore mobile-friendly websites out there are needed.

From their mobile browser, users can open apps, send messages, and also make calls. They can again move their phone around the room, taking advantage of concepts like AR and VR. 

The smartphone design can offer you the chance to create a unique user experience through taking advantage of the unique capabilities smartphone design can offer.

Best practices on how to get started

1# Make it easy to navigate

Keep your secondary elements easy to reach navigational buttons. 

Make yourself recognisable for users to attain access to secondary elements.

2# Prioritise Mobile-First Elements

Don’t jump straight into considerations of the latest design trends. You want to keep your web design as simple as possible without restricting what the audience can do when visiting your website. It would help if you had all the elements on your website easy to find and use. 

All buttons must be clear and tappable. The font size must be large enough to be read from any screen, and you need a navigation system that doesn’t slow anything down. 

3# Keep it simple

Simple things are the best things. So are mobile designs; a good mobile strategy is simple. 

Users don’t like extraneous elements like pop-ups or ads, not on their mobile.

Making the Most of Mobile-First Design 

Nowadays, it is essential to have responsive websites on both mobile and desktop devices. 

With a little effort and wanting to be innovative, you can build a website that puts mobile users’ experiences first; in this way, you can create something that grabs the audience’s attention and delivers great experiences. 

Multi-experience: the future of doing business

Being part of an innovative organization means being part of creating apps and creating user experiences. In this sense, creating user experience means being part of a great company willing to develop ideas that make a difference. 

It should be noted that these kinds of companies are run by leaders who love innovation and never stop looking to have all of the business priorities to be known as real great leaders.

Being able to create a user experience requires a lot of work and effort. But there are various tools that big companies use to make their job easier. Multi experience Development Platforms are tools that help leaders follow the flow of innovation. These platforms enable leaders to build a kind user experience by creating a unique system that brings development activities together across all digital touchpoints. 

What is a Multi Experience Development Platform? 

Multi Experience Development Platforms are known as MXDPs. They help developers by providing an integrated set of front end development tools and back end services that enable scalable development to fit for purpose apps across digital touchpoints. 
You can perform with MXDPs in progressive and responsive web apps, custom mobile apps, etc. 

It is essential to know that if your company utilizes MXDPS, then application leaders can quickly unite development activities across apps so that the user experience is engaging.  This it involves developing fluent user experiences across apps, websites, touch, and text, irrespective of the channel. 

Why should you use MXDPs? 

As mentioned before creating user experiences requires a lot of work. Using MXDPs will make it easier for application leaders, and using MXDPs means ensuring that all touchpoints are consistent and that users can seamlessly transition through them. 
Us, for example, want to use apps that require little effort and fewer issues. 

When application leaders use MXDPs, they enable business development, and IT teams to improve collaboration, especially when building, designing, and managing apps as part of an ongoing modernization strategy.

In this case, MXDPs allow these experiences to traverse multiple devices and various channels efficiently and rapidly. 

The benefits of adopting MXDPs in your company are:

  • Improved Operational Efficiency 
  • Minimize the Time to Market Apps
  • Enable Controlled Deployment 
  • Remove Security Risk

Technology is continuously changing, and leaders now must look forward to using innovative platforms on the top of the market. Creating and achieving a great user experience must be the focus of any app and survey. 

Turneu i futbollit Tech for Down Syndrome 2020

Përfundoi turniri i cili bashkoi kompanitë e teknologjisë me një qëllim vetëdijësimi për fëmijët dhe të rriturit me Down Syndrome.

Ky turne i futbollit i cili u organizua nga dy kompanitë e teknologjisë Tentonit dhe Sunny Hill, bashkoi 22 kompani tjera të teknologjisë, të cilat dhanë kontributin e tyre në ndihmë të personave me Down Syndrome.

Ky vit është viti i dytë që Tenton bashkon pasionin për futbollin dhe dashurinë e njerëzimit në një vend. Së bashku me Sunny Hill Tech, filluan iniciativën për mbledhjen e fondeve të quajtur “Tech for Down Syndrome 2020” duke organizuar një tjetër turne futbolli.

Përfunduam muajin e tetorit me finalen e lojës së futbollit, ku finalistët ishin ekipi Sunny Hill Tech dhe Webster. Kjo ishte dita ku pas një muaji të plotë u zhvilluan evente të futbollit mes ekipeve të teknologjisë në Kosovë, të bashkuar për një qëllim mjaft të rëndësishëm, donacionin e fondeve për personat me Down Syndrome.

Ky turne përfundoi me dhënien e mirënjohjes për të gjitha ekipet që morrën pjesë, si dhe me dhënien e kupës skuadrës fituese Sunny Hill Tech, dhe i falënderojmë pafund për mirësinë dhe miqësinë që kanë ofruar.

Tenton, vitin e kaluar, punoi me Zombie Soup për të ndihmuar fëmijët nën spektrin e autizmit duke ftuar kompanitë e teknologjisë në Kosovë që të bashkohen në një turne futbolli dhe të mbështesin këtë iniciativë përmes dhurimit dhe pjesëmarrjes. Kjo iniciativë arriti të mbledhë gjithsej 6,360.00 €, të cilat u dhuruan në shoqatën “Autizmi”.

Ne duam të falënderojmë të gjitha kompanitë që nuk hezituan të ishin pjesë e kësaj nisme:
Sunny Hill Tech, Zombie Soup, Starlabs, Apper, Celonis, UCX Kosova, Kutia, Linkplus, Kode Labs, ITD Prishtine, Frakton, Rubik, Webtiser, Smartbits, The Social Plus, Vianova health, Fitonomy, Gjirafa, Autoshkolla, ICK, KFC Kosova, Fedex, Chameleon Print, Deinde, dhe Tech Frame. Falë këtyre ndërmarrjeve që e bënë të mundur këtë iniciativë dhe ndihmuan fëmijët dhe të rriturit me Down Syndrome duke dhuruar një total që ka arritur në një total prej 5,800€.

How Will Chatbots Help Your Business Grow?

Chatbots have been around for decades now, helping businesses to be close to their clients in one form or another. 
As one of the functions that people are familiar with, Chatbots have recently taken their functionality to new levels. 

Every business owner is interested in streamlining marketing, or any customer service uses Chatbot to take the relationship with customers to another level. 

What are Chatbots? 

Chatbots are computer programs designed to start, keep going, and end a conversation, which is normal, and you can not tell if the person behind this Chatbot is a human or a robot. 
These Chatbots are very popular over the Internet. 

Chatbots can be designed for use with private chat or messaging services, and most of them use a chat interface for communication. 

Chatbot’s most important function is not only being customer support or delivering customer service but generating new leads and making the sales process much easier. 
Chatbots are very helpful when it comes to dealing with different kinds of customers’ problems.

Why should every business implement Chatbot in their platforms? 

Chatbots help small businesses find new leads, customers, and the most important, Chatbots provide excellent customer service. All of these lead a business to its growth. 
Chatbots, as a function, is very easy to use. 

Customers most likely prefer to ask questions into a Chatbot rather than to continue scrolling to find their answers or whatever is concerning them. 
Developing a Chatbot is not that expensive, actually is pretty affordable for every business, small or large. 

Although chatbots answer all the FAQs, in this way, it is easier to reach each customer in the best possible way. Also, Chatbot helps to know what customers are looking for. This seems pretty genius, but technology is changing and improving itself day by day, and so are changes implemented in Chatbots.

Tenton is the team you can address if you want to implement a Chatbot into your business. 

With a team of professional developers, Tenton can develop a Chatbot to help your business connect with customers. 

The importance of Chatbots 

Each business can have various benefits from Chatbots. But the main reason for using chatbots is to grow your business.

How does that happen? 

Chatbots happen to be that smart to save and remember all of the information users tell them. They tend to use the information users to tell them for better service while helping other users. 
In a very smart and delicate way, chatbots expect helping users. They also influence sales. 
There is more; chatbots also influence decisions. Chatbots can make recommendations for users based on data gathered from simple questions and previous interactions. 
Chatbots also provide 24/7 sales support. 

Down Syndrome Football Tournament 

We should not forget the good things that happen every day! 
Take, for example, the companies who have gathered with TENTON and Sunny Hill Tech, to support children and adults with Down Syndrome in a variety of important ways. 

Tech companies usually are known as many people who get things done, things like coding, numbers, marketing, creating, and building new things. There are pretty little cases when these tech companies members are known as people that create emotional relations with others. 
Not anymore! 

TENTON, last year, worked with Zombie Soup to help kids under the autism spectrum by inviting tech companies in Kosovo to come together in a football tournament and support this initiative in various forms through donation and participation. This initiative managed to collect a total of 6,360.00€, which were donated to the “Autism” association.

This year, is the second year, that TENTON put together the passion for football and humanity’s love in one place. Together with Sunny Hill Tech, started the fundraising initiative called “Tech for Down Syndrome” by organizing another football tournament. 

We want to thank all the companies that did not hesitate to be part of this initiative:
Sunny Hill Tech, Zombie Soup, Starlabs, Apper, UCX Kosova, Kutia, Link plus, Kode Labs, Frakton, Rubik, Webster, Smartbits, Vianova Health, Fitonomy, Gjirafa, Autoshkolla, KFC Kosova, FedEx, Chameleon Print, and Deinde. Thanks to these companies for making this initiative possible and helping children and adults with Down Syndrome by donating a total that until today has reached a total of 5,500 €.

This tournament started on the 10th of October; two games were already played. On the link below, you can track the scores of each played game

TENTON and SunnyHill Tech have managed to gather these big tech companies for a big social cause. Children and adults with Down syndrome face many difficulties, and we wanted to raise awareness of them. 
We feel happy to see that people are vulnerable to join in such events not only to help financially, but in any other possible way, and at the same time, they make these events enjoyable and worthy.

We want to let you know that this tournament will end on the 31st of October, and whoever wants to participate in this initiative by donating is welcome, join with us.